The European Union (EU) and Armenia have recently signed a readmission agreement, which aims to regulate the return of people who are residing irregularly in the EU or Armenia. The agreement was signed in Brussels on 24 November 2020 and came into force on 1 March 2021.

The readmission agreement between the EU and Armenia establishes the procedures and standards for the return, readmission, and transit of individuals who do not have the legal right to stay in either the EU or Armenia. This includes individuals who have overstayed their visas or entered the EU or Armenia illegally.

The agreement also includes provisions for the protection of human rights and the prevention of stateless individuals. It obliges the EU and Armenia to ensure that the relevant procedures are transparent, efficient, and fair. This means that individuals subject to the agreement will have their rights respected and be treated with dignity throughout the return and readmission process.

The readmission agreement is an important step in strengthening the EU-Armenia relationship and promoting cooperation in the areas of migration and border management. It provides a legal framework for the effective implementation of readmission cooperation between the two parties, which will contribute to the fight against irregular migration, smuggling, and trafficking.

The agreement covers a wide range of issues related to return and readmission, including the identification of individuals, the exchange of information, travel documents, and transit procedures. It also facilitates cooperation between the relevant authorities in the EU and Armenia, including border guards, immigration officers, and police.

Overall, the EU-Armenia readmission agreement is an important tool in managing migration flows and promoting cooperation between the EU and Armenia. It establishes clear procedures and standards for the return and readmission of individuals, ensuring that their rights are respected and protected throughout the process. The agreement will contribute to the maintenance of regular and orderly migration, while also enhancing the security and stability of both the EU and Armenia.